This post is, unfortunately, going to be kind of a wash. The hospital network wasn't working properly and every time I actually managed to get on, it would freeze up. So, I will do my best to recall the happenings of the day.
Overnight, he was relatively calm. He was awake and fussy between 10 and 1 but managed to sleep pretty well after that. No major seizure episodes to speak of but he had to sleep with oxygen on due to low O2 sats.
The morning was rather uneventful. He was still pretty lethargic from starting the diet but his blood sugar had stabilized and he was starting to look more like himself. There were moments where his eyes were clear and you could see something was changing for the better.
Unfortunately, his oxygen levels were hanging pretty low. Usually floating between 86-93 while awake. Albuterol nebulizer treatments and suction seemed to help him out though.
Day 3 menu:
Breakfast - eggnog meal
Lunch - grilled chicken w/ green beans
Dinner - egg salad w/ cantaloupe
He did start having some myoclonic seizures but he didn't require any medicine to stop them. They resolved on their own. There were only 5 over the span of 15 minutes. Getting there!
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